Please join us for the 7th Annual Lower Sioux Wacipi 2K/5k Walk Run! What: Fun run/walk as well as a timed race for those runners interested in recording their time When: […]
Are you Deficient in Vitamin D?
What does Vitamin D do? Promotes absorption of calcium and Phosphorus, which in turn regulates how much calcium remains in the blood. Helps deposit calcium and phosphorus into bones and […]
Lower Sioux HHS Closed June 25th
Lower Sioux Community Center and Lower Sioux Health and Human Services offices will be closed on Thursday, June 25th in observance of Indian Victory Day.
Pezuta Ozuha, Medicine Pouch Workshop
Create your own Medicine Pouch at the Pezuta Ozuha, Medicine Pouch Workshop! Meal and speaker will be provided on Wednesday, May 27th. The Workshop will continue the following day from 5:00 […]
Cinto! Zaniya Maunnipi kte!
Cinto! Zaniya Maunnipi kte! Of Course! We are going to be healthy! Come on over to this event where you will……… Play Interactive Diabetes Bingo in the Dakota Language! Play […]
Elder Nutrition Program Van Services
* Reminder: The Lower Sioux Elder Nutrition Program Van has arrived! The arrival of the ENP van has now made it possible for Elder’s needing transportation to and from […]
May is High Blood Pressure Education Month
Did you know for most people, when sodium intake is reduced, blood pressure begins decreasing in only a few weeks, on average?! Here are a few tips on how you […]
Lower Sioux HHS Closed
Lower Sioux Community Center and Lower Sioux Health and Human Services offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.
Heart Health Bingo
Place: Multi purpose room (MPR) Nutrition Education for Blood Pressure Reduction Bingo and trivia games with prizes for added enjoyment! Healthy snack/light lunch and recipe’s will be provided
Grocery Store Tour
Place: Meet at the Health Offices building Grocery store tours will teach members how to read food labels and make healthier choices at the grocery store. Tours will be held […]